
Empowering Education with Classter Training Services

Comprehensive Training for Seamless System Adoption and Utilization

From basic navigation to advanced functionalities, Classter’s training ensures that your team is confident and competent to harness the full potential of our robust platform. Our training services empower educators, administrators, and IT staff with the knowledge and skills needed to fully leverage our SaaS educational solutions.

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Join Hundreds of Organizations
that use Classter to Boost their
Efficiency & Streamline Process

With a platform that will make the management of every aspect of your institution seamless & efficient, you’ll unlock the full potential of your institution. Our team is always ready to help you get started.

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Unifying Education: The Classter Advantage

Customized Training Plans

Receive a training plan customized to the specific needs and roles of your team. Classter assesses your institution's requirements to deliver targeted training that maximizes learning and system adoption.

Onsite and Online Training Options

Choose from flexible training options including onsite sessions for hands-on learning and online modules for convenience and accessibility. Classter's adaptable approach ensures that everyone receives the training they need, how and when they need it.

Interactive Learning Modules

Engage with interactive learning modules designed to reinforce understanding and proficiency. Classter's training includes practical exercises and real-life scenarios that enhance learning outcomes.

Comprehensive User Guides and Resources

Access a wide range of user guides, FAQs, and online resources. Classter's extensive library of materials provides ongoing support and reference to reinforce training and assist with system adoption.

Role-Based Training Sessions

Benefit from training sessions tailored to the specific roles within your institution. Whether for educators, administrators, or IT staff, Classter ensures that each user understands how to use the system effectively in their role.

Advanced Feature Deep Dives

For advanced users, Classter offers deep-dive sessions into specific features and capabilities. These sessions help users unlock the full potential of the platform and use it to drive innovation and efficiency.

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Simplify Your IT Infrastructure

Say goodbye to fragmented IT infrastructure and hello to the simplicity of a fully integrated solution. Classter is a modular solution that combines the functionality of five different systems into one platform that provides unified experience.

Simplify your school's billing and payment processes and enhance financial management with Classter's Billing & Payments module - try it now!

Streamline your school's internship and thesis management and enhance student career development with Classter's Internship & Thesis module - try it now!

Building Strong Educational Relationships: Elevate your community engagement with our Academic CRM Module, designed to foster meaningful interactions among students, educators, parents  and staff.
Streamlined Enrollment, Simplified: The Admissions Module offers a seamless, efficient process for student applications, ensuring a positive first impression and a hassle-free start to their educational journey.

For Organizations of all Sizes and Types

Customize Classter to fit your needs. Create a personalized system just for you.


Elevate your higher education institution with Classter's comprehensive and customizable management system, designed to streamline complex administrative tasks and enhance the student experience.


Transform your K-12 institution with Classter's complete school management system - streamline complex tasks, enhance communication and collaboration, and provide an exceptional learning experience for students and staff.


Maximize the efficiency of your academy or training centre and provide an exceptional learning experience with Classter's end-to-end management system, featuring advanced tools for course management, communication, and billing.


Revolutionize your corporate learning programs with Classter's innovative and comprehensive management system, designed to streamline administrative tasks and enhance employee engagement and training.


Optimize the performance of your seminary education institution and provide an exceptional learning experience with Classter's innovative and comprehensive management system, featuring advanced tools for academic and financial management, communication, and more.


Streamline the complex tasks of your school district and enhance the educational experience of your students and staff with Classter's powerful and flexible management system.

Classter is the SIS of choice for Higher Education, due to its fully configurable, modular, cloud-based architecture. Classter team worked with UCreativa, a leading institution with hundreds of students in Costa Rica offering exceptionally designed, student-centred education programs in creative fields such as Fashion, Interior Design etc.

Classter helped UCreativa accommodate all operations under one roof and automate its Admission Process and Academic Management & Reporting.

Classter, with its straightforward and cloud- based platform, is the preferred student information system for K12 schools.AHF Grundschule, a state-approved private school in Germany which prioritizes individualized learning experiences for each child, collaborated with Classter to manage all its processes like admissions, attendance monitoring and hybrid learning in a single system.

Seminary educational organizations trust Classter as their SIS system. Classter team worked with The Master’s Academy International, a registered nonprofit organization, providing financial and academic support to ministry and pastoral training centers in 12 countries.

Classter helped TMAI accommodate all operations under one roof and automate its Admission Process, District Management and Hybrid Learning.

Classter collaborated with Global School for Entrepreneurship, a higher education organization providing international students with B. Sc., Pre-M. Sc., M. Sc., and other entrepreneurship-related degrees. Classter aided GS4E in simplifying its procedures, supplying faculty with the means to communicate more efficiently with their students and managing academics more easily.

Furthermore, the seamless integration of Canvas LMS and Zoom enables educators and learners to swiftly transition to remote learning based on a unified curriculum.

Empowering Education with Smart Solutions

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Training for Continuous Improvement

Participate in training focused on continuous improvement and system optimization. Classter teaches your team how to adapt and evolve with the platform, ensuring it continues to meet your changing needs.

Certification Programs

Achieve certification through Classter's training programs, providing formal recognition of system mastery and proficiency. Certification boosts confidence and demonstrates commitment to leveraging the system fully.

Feedback and Customization

Provide feedback during and after training sessions to customize the learning experience. Classter's training is flexible and responsive, adapting to better meet the needs of your team.

New Feature Updates and Training

Stay up-to-date with training sessions focused on new features and updates. Classter ensures your team is always informed about the latest enhancements and understands how to implement them effectively.

Peer-to-Peer Learning and Forums

Join a community of peers through learning forums and collaborative sessions. Classter's training services encourage knowledge sharing and community support among users.

Ongoing Support and Refresher Courses

Benefit from ongoing support and the opportunity to attend refresher courses. Classter's commitment to your long-term success includes training options that keep your team proficient and confident.

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98% User Satisfaction Rating

Classter is featured on Capterra & SourceForge as a great choice for educational organizations.

Classter is an Award Winning Software & a Leader in Edtech Revolution

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should my institution use Classter?

Classter is an end-to-end Student & Learning Management System for any organization that offers educational or training services that will help you manage your processes and digitalize your school to save time and money. With Classter, you can get rid of your fragmented IT infrastructure. That’s because Classter combines the functionality of 5 different types of solutions: SIS, SMS, LMS, ERP, and CRM in 12 Modules.

Is Classter safe?

Classter provides a reliable centralized cloud-based environment for storing and accessing students’ and faculty data, with the security of MS Azure infrastructure. Classter uses Azure Backup to provide clients with secure and reliable backup and disaster recovery solutions.

How often am I going to be billed?

Classter offers customers the choice between an annual and bi-annual billing plan. If you choose the former option, your subscription will be invoiced and billed every year. For those who opt for a bi-annual subscription, the process will only happen every two years, plus you can benefit from a discount of up to 20% on your total fees!

How does Classter cater to different types of educational organizations?

Classter is versatile and fully adaptable. It offers tailored solutions for Higher Education, Academies and Training Centers, K12 Schools, Seminary Education, Corporate Learning, and School Districts. The platform is designed to meet the unique requirements of each educational segment.

Can I customize Classter's platform to fit the specific needs of my educational institution?

Absolutely! Classter’s modular approach allows complete customization to suit your institution’s unique needs. You can select and integrate specific modules for a tailored solution, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in meeting your educational requirements.

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Join Hundreds of Organizations
that use Classter to Boost their
Efficiency & Streamline Process

With a platform that will make the management of every aspect of your institution seamless & efficient, you’ll unlock the full potential of your institution. Our team is always ready to help you get started.

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