The process of learning for human beings is a complex one and is composed of many aspects. Teaching is the attempt to transfer knowledge between two or more people in a meaningful and insightful way, that will stimulate thought, creativity and will hopefully lead to the attainment of a well-rounded education. Teaching is not an easy or simple job. It takes lots of time and devotion from the teacher.
Teachers have a responsibility towards their students, the students’ parents, the institution and society itself. Teachers are not tasked to simply perform a transfer of information from teacher to student but to teach students the importance of ethical behavior in society and the appreciation of the diversity in the world around them. Teaching like most things in life changes and evolves, we will be taking a swing at listing the possible ways teaching will be evolving in the future with the help of technology.

Innovative Methods of Teaching in the Classroom
Teaching through Collaboration
Collaboration is a method that has evolved from the need for a joint effort to achieve a more complicated goal. The first thing that comes to mind when we think about students and collaboration is cheating on a test. But collaboration between students now a days is viewed positively and is encouraged by teachers everywhere. The near future will bring enhanced capabilities for inter classroom co-operation and teamwork with the introduction of online communication services, online classes and video conferencing.
Students will be enabled to operate in groups more efficiently and collectively achieve greater learning outcomes and attaining greater goals than ever before. Even the classroom will evolve to better accommodate the collaborative teaching method. Classrooms will be equipped with group-oriented desks and more technological equipment.
Teaching through cloud computing
Student information systems have been around for some time now. What student information systems have achieved is blending technology with education. Now, these platforms can take information, analytics and valuable data and make them available through storage on the cloud: a place that is safe and where almost no leaking can happen.
With cloud computing teachers can now save every document and teaching material in a safe and easily accessible location online. Teachers can make this teaching material available to students even in remote locations thus enabling students to learn and participate remotely.
Teaching with Flipping Classrooms
Flipping classrooms already exist and are actually quite popular in the educational world. Flipping classrooms are simply an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning in a way that it “flips” the classic classroom and brings the learning material outside of it; most usually online.
The flipped classroom intentionally shifts instruction to a learner-centered model in which time in the classroom is used to explore topics in greater depth and create meaningful learning opportunities while students are initially introduced to new topics outside of the classroom. This makes the learning approach more personalized and less didactic and as a result, it turns education into something fun.
Smartboard Teaching
Smartboards are a relatively new tool for teachers to make their teaching more interactive and relatable. There are several pros when it comes to smartboards such as: better visuals, saving the learning progress, ability to interact with different learning styles and the fact that it is environmentally friendly are some of the reasons smartboards might become the new norm in the future.
Teaching with 3D printing
Teachers can include 3D presentations as part of their teaching too. This method is lately quite popular, as it helps quite a lot when it comes to getting a closer glimpse into the teaching material. Especially with complex STEM subjects, 3D printing can prove to be an eye-opening experience.
Technology contributes to the fundamental structural change in how teaching is and will further evolve. Technology is used to support both teaching and learning, it infuses classrooms with digital learning tools, such as computers and handheld devices; expands course offerings, experiences, and learning materials; supports learning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; builds 21st-century skills; increases student engagement and motivation; and accelerates learning.
Technology also has the power to transform teaching by ushering in a new model of connected teaching. This model links teachers to their students and to professional content, resources, and systems to help them improve their own instruction and personalize learning. Teaching with technology can only deepen student learning by supporting instructional objectives.
In the future, we will be curious to see how and in what degree technology will transform education, teaching and the educational experience itself. Student & Learning Management Systems are already heard and have begun transforming future education today.
SIS integrate technology with education, providing a centralized platform for storing data, analytics, and teaching materials securely on the cloud, accessible to teachers and students anytime, anywhere.
Technology facilitates online communication, video conferencing, and collaborative platforms, enabling students to work together efficiently and achieve greater learning outcomes.
Technology enables personalized learning experiences by linking teachers to students and providing access to professional content, resources, and systems to tailor instruction according to individual student needs.