What Student Information System Features that Improve Communication?

Student Information Systems (SIS) store and track all student information, including grades, attendance records, and more. SIS products are used by teachers, students, and parents to communicate all relevant information pertaining to a student’s schooling.

What you should know about SIS software

The software functions as a digital dropbox for school-related information. SIS software has become a vital tool for both educational institutions as well as parents and students, who use it to gain access to student information, make payments, and communicate with school representatives.

SIS software is leveraged for a few different functions; the main two being as a channel of communication and as a place to store student information.

What features your SIS needs

Key benefits of SIS Software

  • Improve the management of prospective and enrolled student’s data
  • Increase communication between divisions
  • Maintain data of stakeholders when transferring records between departments
  • Provide a unified resource location for relevant stakeholders, including alumni, faculty, support staff, and donors
  • Standardize data formats among divisions
  • Ease the transfer of data to external institutions
  • Reduce the time spent on maintaining and organizing student records

Why communication modules are important for an SIS?

“Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another.”

In simple words, it is a process of transmitting and sharing ideas, opinions, facts, values from one person to another or one organization to another. Communication is a part of our everyday life in every aspect of it. It can make or break relationships. It can inspire. It can inform. It can produce change.

Communication is the connecting link between us and the world around us. In that way, communication features are probably one of the most important if not the most important characteristics of a student information system. Communication modules help all stakeholder be in touch: parents, teachers, students etc.

Today, Student Information Systems like Classter help any institution make the education process easier. Cloud accessibility, mobile applications, behaviour tracking and analytics capabilities are trending right now in the educational technology field.

The migration to the cloud in the SIS world means increased security, improved ease of technical support, and enhanced mobility.  More and more solutions are adding mobile applications to increase the ease of use for parents and students who are spending more and more time browsing from mobile devices.

But what are the features that improve communication in an educational environment?

  • In-built messaging

SIS in-built messaging allows users to communicate within the app will different stakeholders without switching devices or directories. Intelligent technology allows you to send messages with unprecedented precision using the SIS Web Interface. Mass messages are received by all users and student information system messaging helps to realize innovative, intelligent information services, leading to increased user’s satisfaction.

  • Email

Every academic institution requires an information system with built-in communication modules and tools for the purposes of both mass and individual email delivery. There are various integration tools employed by modern SIS systems to achieve optimal performance in their communications capabilities. Mass emails, newsletters and bulletins can now be sent to thousands of recipients including students, parents, teachers or other contacts.

Classter offers the latest in communication capabilities such as creating e-mail templates, advanced recipient selection tools and event-triggered emailing.

Apart from e-mail, SIS systems employ more basic message types such as SMS for direct communication. Organizations can inform their students, teachers etc. via SMS directly on their mobile phones. This medium is used in emergency situations as well as non-scheduled events.

All you need to do is to select your recipients and initiate a CRM action. Select the means of communication (SMS) and send out automatic SMS blasts to student, parents and teachers.

It’s all part of maintaining good communication with our community.

An online meetings booking system helps educational institutions to create and maintain a strong collaborative environment between students, parents, and teachers.

Such functionality provides teacher’s availability information to students and parents, allowing them to schedule a meeting either in-person or online. The system allows all stakeholders (students, parents or teachers) to arrange the meeting easily, set the various parameters, such as possible restrictions, and have a clear overview of the process.

 What to expect from a smart SIS with communication capabilities?

Student information systems need to be integrated with robust alerting and communication systems so as too alert students, parents or teachers in emergencies and key events. Alerts need to be triggered on key events like when a student is being absent in order to keep parents informed.

A smart Student Information System is designed with features for students and parents to collaborate in order to make the student experience as effective, engaging and uncomplicated as it can possibly be.


How does SIS software improve communication between educational stakeholders?

SIS software offers communication modules such as in-built messaging, email, SMS, and online meetings booking, allowing seamless communication between students, parents, teachers, and administrators.

What features should I expect from a modern SIS with communication capabilities?

A modern SIS with communication capabilities should include in-built messaging, email templates, SMS alerts, and online meetings booking functionality to facilitate effective communication among stakeholders.

How does Classter enhance communication within educational institutions?

Classter offers advanced communication features such as in-built messaging, email templates, SMS alerts, and online meetings booking, enabling seamless communication between students, parents, teachers, and administrators.

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