Is Your College Making the Most of Its Admission Software?

Classter - College & Admission Software

One of the most important tools in any organization’s arsenal is its admission software, as it plays an integral role in helping admissions officers make decisions on which students to admit. However, while there are dozens of options out there, some colleges may not be making the most of their software, because they don’t have concrete objectives in place. So, how can you make sure your college is getting the most value from its admission software? This guide will answer all your questions!

Admission Software

What are some common problems colleges encounter during the admission process?

#1 User-friendly online application form: An online application form that is not user-friendly can cause a lot of issues for the applicants while filling it out online. This kind of form should be easy to navigate and simple. A user-friendly online form can save a lot of time for students and there would be less number of queries about it.

#2 Communicating with applicants: The Admission process involves various stages like form filling, original document verification, and candidate interviewing. Each step involves communication with the prospective students. It is important for any institute to define a mechanism to communicate with applicants using various online channels

#3 Admission confirmation and fee collection: The online admission process moves to the next step when the college shortlists and communicates with students about admission confirmation. Students whose admission is confirmed are expected to proceed with the first installment fee payment to the institute within the stipulated timeline. It is useful to provide an online payment functionality so that students can instantly make the payment to confirm admission.

Why should you use advanced, fully integrated admission software together with your student information system?

SIS, or Student Information System, is commonly used in educational organizations to streamline both administrative and academic processes. It aims to manage various information about applicants and students, as well as people who provide support for them such as professors, counselors and financial officers among others. With an advanced SIS system available in your educational organization, paired with your admission software, you can manage various applicant and student data efficiently.

So, how can you enhance your application process with advanced technology?

#1 Collect applicant data: Using technology to streamline your application process is a smart idea, and there are several options out there. Cloud-based systems make it easy to collect applicant information such as name, contact info, test scores, high school transcripts and more – even allowing you to upload pre-populated forms from your institution.

#2 Conduct virtual interviews: The days of applicants having to drive or fly across the country for in-person interviews may be over, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need to be interviewed. Technology allows you to conduct virtual interviews with candidates without ever meeting them in person; many cloud-based solutions offer video conferencing capabilities so candidates can meet with multiple members of your admissions staff at once.

#3 Customize outreach efforts: There’s no one size fits all approach to college recruitment anymore. Today, students have access to an unprecedented amount of information about schools and their programs online, meaning you need to stand out if you want your application numbers to grow. One effective way to do that is by using personalized messaging based on each candidate’s interests and needs—something advanced software makes possible through its ability to analyze large amounts of data quickly.

#4 Easily complete online payments

Online payment gateways offer applicants the ability to pay their tuition fees online, and easily as the final part of the application process. In collaboration with the college’s Student Information System, an online payment gateway integration provides a unified solution that allows applicants to complete all necessary actions safely online.

By leveraging admission software, you can boost productivity, engage new audiences, and generate more revenue for your organization. What’s more, admission software also allows your admissions department to focus on what really matters—finding high-quality candidates who will add value to your college’s learning experience.


Why should my institution integrate admission software alongside a student information system (SIS)?

An advanced SIS, paired with admission software, allows educational institutions to manage applicant and student data efficiently. It streamlines administrative and academic processes, providing a comprehensive solution for managing information and supporting various stakeholders within the institution.

How does cloud-based admission software simplify the application process?

Cloud-based admission software enables colleges to collect applicant information securely, conduct virtual interviews remotely, and customize outreach efforts based on candidate preferences. It offers scalability, flexibility, and accessibility.

Can Classter’s admission software integrate with our existing SIS?

Yes, Classter’s admission software offers seamless integration with existing student management systems, ensuring compatibility and enhancing overall efficiency in the admission process.

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