
How can a school management system help IT managers protect sensitive data?

Ensuring Data Privacy in Schools

One of the most important things that a school IT manager needs to do is ensure that their systems are secure. Most organizations have strict policies about data security (and for good reason), but it’s not always clear whether your school or organization is doing everything (e.g. implementing a reliable school management system) it can to keep information safe from hackers. Globally, 56% of K-12 schools and 64% of colleges and universities report being hit by an attack in the past year.

Data security is a top priority for most organizations.

Organizations in 2023 place a high emphasis on data security. Data breaches have become more common and costlier than ever before, and as such, protecting your school’s data is critical to its success and longevity as an institution. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to protect your sensitive data from being compromised.

Hackers are always looking for ways to compromise data security

Hackers are always looking for ways to compromise data

Hackers are constantly endeavoring to find approaches to gain access to information, and there are many ways that it can be done. Hackers may try to steal passwords or credentials through phishing attacks and other tactics. They can also gain access by stealing old hard drives or other electronic devices that contain sensitive information. Hackers who use public Wi-Fi networks have been known to intercept data being transmitted over these networks and use it against the owner of that information.

1. Phishing attacks

One of the most used methods of getting into organizations’ computer systems is through phishing attacks. A phishing attack is a type of cyberattack in which the attacker attempts to steal sensitive information by posing as a trustworthy entity. Phishing attacks often involve emails that appear to be from a legitimate source and ask recipients to provide personal information or click on links that take them to malicious websites. Phishing attacks are often targeted at specific users, such as those with more access than others within an organization’s IT department or even specific employees who have access to sensitive data. This makes it difficult for IT managers and other personnel within organizations’ IT departments -who may not know how best to protect themselves against phishing scams- to detect these threats before they cause damage.

2. Using public Wi-Fi networks

When using public Wi-Fi networks, your data is not encrypted. Anyone with the right software can intercept it and see what users are doing. This can be a serious issue if users use a school management system to store sensitive information about students or staff members browse through public Wi-Fi networks. In fact, even if you do not use a school management system at all -or if your organization has no sensitive data to protect- it’s still important that customers are protected when they use public Wi-Fi connections because those networks are often less secure than private ones. Make sure that all customers know how important it is for them to protect themselves by using VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) whenever possible; these services encrypt their traffic so that no one else can see what they’re doing online.

3. Stolen passwords and credentials

Another common way for hackers to get into a system is by using stolen passwords and credentials from another user. In this case, they may be able to access an account because its owner used the same password on multiple websites and services. This can happen if a user reuses a password across multiple accounts or shares it with someone else who has access to one of them. The best way to protect your organization’s users against these kinds of attacks is by using strong passwords -ones made up of letters, numbers, and symbols- that aren’t easily guessed by anyone who might have access to them through their work computer system (or personal devices). You should also enable two-factor authentication whenever possible: this adds an extra layer of protection where after entering in username/password combinations once per login session there will be additional codes texted directly into mobile phones associated with those accounts before allowing access again through logins after each new session has been completed successfully.

4. Old hard drives or other electronic devices

Hackers can also steal information from old hard drives or other electronic devices that may contain sensitive information. This is because data on the drive can be retrieved and used to gain access to systems. When purchasing a school management system, it’s important to ensure that it has an encryption feature. This will help prevent hackers from stealing your data by encrypting all of your data, which would make it impossible for anyone else but you (and those with permission) to see what’s happening with your student records and other important information.

If you think your systems could be vulnerable, you can take steps to secure them before they’re actually compromised.
This can include:

  • Using a password manager to create strong passwords and change them regularly. It’s also a good idea to use two-factor authentication whenever possible.
  • Ensuring that all your devices are protected with antivirus software and have updated operating systems installed on them. If possible, avoid using services or software that require login information stored in browser cookies. These can easily be stolen by hackers who are able to access the device itself or its browser history.
  • Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) when accessing sensitive data while using public Wi-Fi networks like those at coffee shops or airports; this will encrypt any information being transmitted over the network so no one else can see it without breaking into your connection first.

A school management system can provide an extra layer of protection against hackers and provide a more secure means of storing your data

You might be thinking that a school management system can help provide an extra layer of protection against hackers and provide a more secure means of storing your data. And you’d be right! A school management system is the perfect tool for IT managers who want to protect sensitive information from cyberattacks, but don’t want to sacrifice usability or efficiency in the process. Multiple schools have moved towards this direction, trusting cloud-based information systems with a secure infrastructure to manage their sensitive data. Such systems, besides their reliable framework, most commonly provide users with advanced role and privileges management.

But what if your school doesn’t have a dedicated IT team? A school management system is a great option for such educational organizations too, seeking to guard sensitive information from cyberattacks while still maintaining usability and productivity. It offers an added level of protection against hackers and provides a more reliable way of storing data.

If you want to make sure that your data is secure, there are plenty of ways that you can do so. You can use encryption to protect passwords and other sensitive information, as well as restrict access through two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access by hackers or other malicious individuals. Encryption protects passwords and other sensitive information, while two-factor authentication can prevent hackers or malicious individuals from logging in to your account. A school management system is the perfect solution to ensure data security, while being able to guarantee advanced functionality and high efficiency for the institutions academic and administrative operations.

Do you want to learn how a School Management System can actually help you avoid data breaches?

Book a consultation meeting with us to find out how Classter can help your institution


How can a school management system help IT managers protect sensitive data?

A school management system provides an extra layer of protection against hackers by offering advanced role and privileges management, encryption features, and secure infrastructure to manage sensitive data effectively.

What role does two-factor authentication play in enhancing data security?

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two forms of identification before accessing sensitive data, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to school management systems.

How does Classter ensure data security for my institution?

Classter ensures data security for educational institutions through advanced encryption features, role-based access controls, regular security updates, and compliance with industry standards and regulations.

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