Technology has the incredible ability to transform education, inside and outside the classroom. Not only affects the way students and teachers interact but also empowers students to take control of their own learning process.
EdTech (education technology) helps students to collaborate, gain access to information, control their academic performance and interact with teachers. A school information system not only helps students but parents and teachers also. It empowers educators to understand each student’s unique learning needs and personalize learning material accordingly.
Communication between parents and teachers is an essential ingredient that fuels the learning process for students. Using technology makes it easy for teachers and schools to effectively communicate and coordinate with parents.
Student surveys were administered to gauge student perception and motivation, student individualized education plans were reviewed, and classroom observations were made. Studies show that students feel motivated through the specific use of technology in the classroom, whether it be for pedagogical purposes or for improving interpersonal skills.

Educational Technology can make learning more active and engaging
Active, student-centered learning is far more engaging than simply taking notes while a teacher is lecturing. Technology-assisted lecturing has been proved to work more effectively than traditional instruction methods.
It helps foster essential workplace skills, such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving. A recent study compared the academic performance of students in undergraduate math and science classes using traditional lecturing versus technology-assisted learning.
The study results have shown that average students’ scores were improved by about 6% in the active learning classes, while students in classes with traditional lectures were 1.5 times more likely to fail.
Research has proven the effect of technology to education
In 2014, researchers from Stanford University reviewed more than 70 studies of technology’s impact on learning. They concluded that, when implemented properly, technology can boost student engagement and sense of achievement, especially among those students who are at risk.
“Research finds that students learn more when they use technology to create new content themselves, rather than just being the recipients of content designed by others,” the report states.
In one striking example from the report, several ninth-grade English groups of at-risk students—including many who had failed English exams before—outperformed other higher-tracked groups in their school on the state exam.
In this technology-assisted classroom, where each student had a digital device and wireless Internet access, students made use of research-based websites in place of handing-off papers.
The students, who had previously shown behavioral problems and high rates of failure, were now highly motivated. Technology helped these students to develop intrinsic motivation, enabled and inspired them to achieve on their own.
As their teacher explained: “It gives them an atmosphere of active learning. They are involved in the learning process, they make their own learning decisions, and they are more interested in what’s going on in class.
Educational Technology creates a personalized learning environment
Student information systems help teachers adapt their material into each students’ needs when at the same time they give student’s the choice on how, what and when they learn.
This is where technology can help. It makes t much easier for teachers to identify the learning needs of each student, as well as create and assign lessons or resources to individual students or groups of students. Some learning management systems, for instance, enable teachers to create “playlists” of content that they can assign to certain students to target specific skills’ gap.
Parents can be on the loop with their kid’s progress
Another advantage of EdTech systems is the ability it gives parents to be actively engaged in how their kids’ academic progress. Student information systems help parents to get instant updates about their child’s grades, classes, school projects as well as special events. This can be even easier through mobile apps that connect to an SIS system.
Parents can receive emails, text messages or even get automatic notifications in order to keep track with their child’s progress. Also, parents can communicate with teachers, ask questions and get personalized feedback.
EdTech is disrupting the way learning takes place in the classroom
With the right EdTech solution, students can have access to self-paced, student-centered learning opportunities; teachers can easily collaborate with each other, and parents have access to information about their child’s education—making them stakeholders in the educational process.
Classter is an advanced Cloud-based student management system that can provide the solution every institution needs related to student management. Classter not only helps every student to be engaged in the classroom, but it also provides an effective student attendance solution that enables:
- Attendance data collection
- Real-time tracking
- Identification of long-term absences
- Teachers to calculate their student attendance percentage that will help them adapt their teaching and learning strategies, motivate and engage their students
- Instant communication with parents regarding child’s absence
- Attendance data management
- Automatic notification of parents
- Reporting
- Secure storage of data
EdTech benefits students by providing access to interactive learning resources, teachers by enabling personalized instruction and assessment, and parents by offering real-time updates on their child’s academic progress and engagement.
EdTech promotes active learning by offering interactive learning materials, collaborative tools, and personalized feedback, making the learning process more engaging and participatory for students.
Yes, solutions like Classter’s SIS and LMS, can be customized to align with the specific requirements and objectives of individual educational institutions, ensuring optimal functionality and user satisfaction.